Shaashuim COnvention Pertinent INfo (IN Formation)
1) What is the Shaashuim Convention?
The Shaashuim Convention is an annual event held exclusively for Camp Shaashuim campers.
2) What happens at the Shaashuim Convention?
Campers, Staff, and Administration members have the opportunity to reconnect with their summer friends, relive their summer experiences, reintegrate their summer shteiging, and reenvision their upcoming summer's possibilities.
3) Who attends the Shaashuim Convention?
All campers, staff, and administration members who are able, attend the convention
4) Where is the Shaashuim Convention held?
This year's convention will be held in Chestnut Ridge, New York at the estates of Rabbis Respler and Cohen of Camp Shaashuim fame. Chestnut Ridge is a friendly, suburban, Orthodox Jewish community perfectly suited for camp conventions. Additionally, it is located close to population centers enabling attendees to arrive in time for Shabbos.
5) Is the convention only for those who live near Chestnut Ridge, New York?
The convention is open to all members of the Camp Shaashuim family without regard to distance. "Family is everything" as they say.
6) When will this year's convention take place?
This year's convention will take place over Shabbos Parshas Vayeishev, December 20-21, 2024.
7) When does the convention begin and end?
The convention begins with arrival and check-in on Friday afternoon and ends with departure and check-out late Motzoei Shabbos.
8) Why is the convention being held in Chestnut Ridge, New York?
Our primary objective is to enable as many members of the Camp Shaashuim family to participate in the convention. Chestnut Ridge was identified as a central location able to be reached by most, on a Friday afternoon. Additionally, this location was identified as the most economical, thereby keeping costs as low as possible.
9) What is the cost to attend the convention?
A one hundred ($100) dollar processing fee is required in order to reserve a spot at the convention. Those able to reach the convention facility without incurring Camp Shaashuim any expenses are entitled to a reduced fee of fifty ($50) dollars.
10) Can I bring a friend to the convention?
Regrettably, attendance at the convention is limited to Camp Shaashuim campers, staff, and administration members.
11) Where will convention attendees sleep?
A unique attribute of the Chestnut Ridge facility is its suitability for indoor camping. A plush green carpet utilized as a walking surface by day, doubles as a sleeping surface at night. Obviously, sleeping bags and pillows are required to fully experience indoor camping.
12) Will there be supervision at the convention?
Obviously, all convention attendees will be supervised at all times.
13) What am I not allowed to bring to the convention?
Any item that can be used to harm oneself or others is prohibited both at the convention and in any vehicles transporting attendees. Prohibited items include but are not limited to guns (glue, orby, staple, water), knives, lighters, matches, fire starters, electronic devices and/or reading material not befitting a Camp Shaashuim camper.
14) What should I bring with me?
Not much. Shabbos clothes (with tie, hat, etc.), pajamas, camping gear (blanket, pillow sleeping bag or similar), some games if desired, Motzoei Shabbos activity clothes, a copy of what you are currently learning in yeshiva to use during learning groups, warm winter coat, towel, bathing suit (for swimming), tallit (if worn).
15) Will I be able to shower before Shabbos?
Ideally, you should arrive ready for Shabbos. We are hoping that a limited number of showers (with soap) will be available before Shabbos.
16) Will we be making an early Shabbos?
We will not attempt to make an early Shabbos this week. Licht Bentching is at 4:12pm.
17) What is the climate like in Chestnut Ridge, New York?
Chestnut Ridge is an average of 417 feet above sea level and farther north than New York City. It is going to be very cold.
18) Where will we be eating the seudos?
We will be eating all the Shabbos Seudos at the Respler Estate in a custom designed heated tent.
19) Where will we be davening?
We will be davening with our own exclusive minyan.
20) Do I need to bring a reflector belt?
The roads in Chestnut Ridge are rural and dark at night. Those accustomed to wearing reflector belts may bring their own. Camp Shaashuim will be distributing reflector belts for anyone that needs.
21) What transportation is being provided to the convention?
We hope to provide transportation from:
Waterbury, Connecticut
Lakewood, New Jersey
Brooklyn, New York
Queens, New York
More details will be forthcoming.